

S2E11 – Post-Pandemic Aspirations

As Margrit and Eileen wrap up season two, we look forward to some things we’re hopeful about in a post-pandemic world. Things like compassion and understanding, redefining family and relationships, greater accessibility, and dare we say it… lower real estate…

S2E10 – Well-Being

What does it mean to be happy and healthy? Especially during a pandemic? Margrit & Eileen break down ideas about well-being, including a critique of the wellness industry.  Recommendations of the Episode: The Depression Project on Instagram and Nedi Nezu:…

S2E9 – Interview with Ann Gagné

Our number one fan returns to World of Stories! Special guest Ann Gagné joins Margrit and Eileen to talk about precarious work in academia, accessibility in education and beyond, touch and tactility in a pandemic, and so much more! Be…

S2E8 – Perfectionism

Margrit & Eileen chat about perfectionism and the internal and external pressures to live up to unrealistic and unattainable expectations. They talk about the false equivalency of perfection equalling professionalism and how perfectionism is both the result of and cause…

S2E7 – Interview with Lee Czechowski

Margrit & Eileen welcome Lee Czechowski to the podcast! Lee (they/them) is a queer mixed Anishnaabe/Settler midwifery student at Laurentian University. They love singing, puns, puzzles, coffee, and their three cats. When they used to have spare time, they spent…

S2E6 – Friendship

What is the meaning of friendship? What are the different types of friendship? What important are friendships compared to other types of relationships? Margrit & Eileen chat about how the pandemic has strengthened some friendships and strained others; society’s hierarchy…

S2E5 – Interview with Sarika Narinesingh

Margrit and Eileen chat with Sarika Narinesingh, a communications instructor at George Brown College in Toronto. We talk about taking care of your physical body during the pandemic as a form of resistance against white supremacy, how the pandemic has…

S2E4 – Queer of Colour

Eileen’s got a million projects on the go, but one that is close to her heart is Queer of Colour: a storytelling platform where queer people of colour have a safe space to tell their own stories on their own…

S2E3 – Rest

No discussion about labour & productivity is complete without talking about rest. How do we rest? How often? In what way? For what purpose? The need to stay productive is so deeply entrenched in our capitalistic society that resting has…

S2E2 – Labour & Productivity

How has the pandemic shed light on the way we work, how we’re productive, and the value of our labour? Margrit & Eileen chat about how we view labour and productivity in a capitalist society and how our value as…